Tin Kettling and Post Office appointments
On Thursday evening, Feb. 27, a large crowd. of very enthusiastic "tin kettlers" paid a visit to the home of Mr, arid Mrs. E. Willis, at Giles Corner, and in no mean manner did they "beat their tins.' Eug. and Joan, although they expected us; did not expect either such a large crowd or such a terrific "din." However, when the tins were so badly dented that the noise became muffled, Eug. very shyly opened the door and bade us enter.
The president of the Tin Kettlers' Association (Mr. Parker Hogan) then ushered us across to the barn where we thoroughly enjoyed dancing till the wee small hours. Music, was supplied by Mr Behn of Undalya, on his piano accordion.
Prior to supper being served the Tin-Kettler-in-Chief made a brief speech, and wished both Joan and Eug. all the best in their | future home. Eug. in rep}y, thanked all for coming, and said that he would remember the evening all his life. So, I think, will quite a few more of us. Mrs. C. A. Dunn, Mrs. Mathias and Mrs. I. Willis, with helpers, attended to the supper arrangements, and certainly had a wonderful supper for us. Thanks are due also to the men who fixed up the electric light in the barn.
Miss Phil. Stanton, of Adelaide, who has been-in-charge of the local post office for several months, leaves on March 4, and Mr. Keith Stutley has been appointed to take charge of the office. Mr. Stutley is a returned soldier. Miss lsobel Willis has taken Miss Mary Newman's position as telephonist.
Eugene Willis and Joan Connell had married on February 5th, 1947 in Tarlee Catholic Church, see